I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Three Little Pigs

With all my preoccupation with the genus Sus in the animal kingdom, (you read that correctly, while most people want dogs or cats or whatever, I really really want a piglet... well, at least I'm not as bad as Piglet, she wants a baby elephant!) it came as a bit of a shock to discover I didn't remember the fairy tale about the three little pigs. So I did some scouting around, and found this:

And then I found something in defense of the Wolf.

I started getting flustered... apparently, fairy tales haven't remained fairy tales any more. Look at this one. It's by Roald Dahl, though, so the outcome is expected.

I guess it got a bit better when I saw this website: a little bit of literature with a little bit of math! I almost wished myself in second grade.

But then I realized that if I'd actually been in second grade, I would never have been able to enjoy any of this. Take a look.

It's amazing how many things have sprung out of that one little story. Apparently it is one of the most prolific fairy tales of all time, in terms of the amount of "real stuff" it has spawned. By the way, the piggie in the chair looks cute, doesn't it?
I have to get back to work!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

A little knowledge...

... is a dangerous thing. Or, well, not dangerous in this case, but certainly inconvenient. If, an hour ago, I had known one thing about me that I have learnt since, it would have saved me some time and some trouble. It may also have saved me this post, so, for that reason, I guess I'm glad things happened the way they did.

And before my business course instructor comes at me with a hatchet for making that paragraph so abstruse, I'll get to the point. You thought you'd seen the last of me for this evening, since I outlined my plans in pretty clear language. So here's the sequence of events since my last post.
A. Put a few things into my bag especially for this evening (e.g., camera).
B. Spruced myself up. Spent ten minutes deciding on an outfit (very very rare for me).
C. Wore the outfit and the shoes. Just about to leave the house, when...
D. Checked if windows were shut, lights, etc. switched off... the usual. And then...
E. Decided I didn't want to wear what I was wearing. Spent another five minutes thinking of other things to wear. (Almost never happens!) After that...
F. Decided I needed to think of how I should "plan" my evening better. Art Institute Vs. Street Art? Art itself Vs. "chill-out" street shopping (akin to window shopping, except the products are displayed on the street)?? etc. And finally... surprise....

"Do I really WANT to go out?"


" What's a good alternative to going out and seeing people doing creative stuff?"

"Being creative myself."


And then I started thinking of the million things I've been trying not to do this semester. Blogging long "me"-blogs being one of them. A blog that doesn't have "Now I've got to go..." in it in thought, word or deed would probably be a first this year. Then, I've got to get back to my art. It's been ages since I've painted or sculpted or written (really written). In fact, I've got a canvas from last November waiting to be completed. This semester, my creative juices pretty much went into my classes and, sometimes, into cooking. The goal was usually to cook something within half an hour that still tasted good. If nothing, I got my kick from the usual quick-fix, reading.

The deal is, just the thought of going out Friday evening, in a crowd, doing things everyone else's doing too, messes me up. Added to which is the fact of me not actually having slept properly for about a week now. (That's what this weekend is for.) Also, just getting back from a long and fairly tedious day at work doesn't make it easy. I'd have liked to go to the Art Institute, they've got some good informative talks today. But then, if I really think about it, I'm too tired to process all that information. And the last thing I want right now is something that seems like class!

Then there's the whole issue of crowds and the way I'd react to 100,000 people swarming and jostling and buzzing around me. (That's the number of people they expect this evening.) Not my day for crowds today. Or most other days.

But there are wonderful perks of staying home this evening. I've been devising this really "cool" recipe for a bean-'n'-mushroom type of soup for a while now. And, just as I was one foot out the door (literally), I realized I'd rather stay home and cook and eat something that doesn't have "Fast Food" written all over it. See, I'm more of a creative cook. So, other than some basic dishes that I know I'm always good at, there's more improvisation than "follow the recipe" in my cooking. While that is a good thing in principle, I do manage to turn out disasters once in a while. (Fi would say it's more often than not, but I beg to differ there.) So, now that I have some time, I should be able to do a really good job out of that soup-dish that's sitting in my head.

And a billion other things. Like listening to some music while I'm cooking. And not reading anything this evening, just sitting quietly in my room, enjoying the silence in my head. And tomorrow, I've a whole list all planned. First of all, it's the last day of a special exhibition at the Art Institute, I'll probably go there in the afternoon. Before that, I can start off in the morning at the book store, and then go to Blick's and use the gift card I got over Christmas. Then, I've promised myself a teeny little bit of popcorn at Garrett's. They've got the usual caramel and butter, but they've also got a lovely pecan and a to-die-for cashew popcorn. Oooh, yum.

That reminds me, I'm feeling hungry. Need to go out to make the soup. Ahh, and I thought this would be the first post this year without the "I've got to go" part. Well, at least this is one of those long rambling directionless posts. That must be a first in its category this year.

Bon appetit!

On insects and late nights...

Okay, I got home so I could change quickly and go for Looptopia, Chicago's "Wanna-be-like-Paris/Rome" Day/Night... you know, I thought, when "my" city itself is wannabe-Some-Other-True-Metropolis, why not me? Especially when the Art Institute is open till midnight, and I'm just done with my finals and longing for something to do.

So, then I got home, and I was trying to google the program for tonight, when I saw this. I was living in Maryland during their 2004 invasion, and I'm going to keep my eyes and ears peeled for funny news clippings like what they had there... recipes for fried cicada and stuff.

Oooh, I have to leave for the Loop... might as well stop by and buy ear plugs as well. I'll need them soon. Don't you wish you were here? I mean, in Paris... ooops, Rome!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy Studying!

With exam stress hitting the lower end of my sloping roof (if it was at the higher end, I wouldn't have blogged... again), I didn't know I could still enjoy a joke, but I think I feel less guilty knowing there are math equations scribbled all over the strip! Also, I think it helps that I didn't go looking for this, I just happened to come across it when I was on the Mathworld website looking for solutions to some definite integrals.

And, yes; been there, done that.

The Hunt is On!

Trust the perversity of my mind to want to blog the night before a final exam. Yepp, this week's "Finals Week" and I don't know if I'm happy that this nightmare semester is over on Friday, or whether I'm done with ALL of my course requirements... whether I actually remain course-free next semester is debatable, of course. Oooh, punny.... :)

So, I'm also observing the last few weeks of a life as I know it, i.e., the one I share with my flatmates at home. Two of the four of us are leaving for work, and we're looking for replacements. Today we had a girl come in to look at one of the rooms. She'd been filled in on the fact that one of her prospective roommates was Indian, and the other, Nigerian. She herself is "Indian Subcontinental". Anyway, my littlest roommate was out and it was just me and K at home to "welcome" her. So, she walks in, K introduces herself as the person moving out and introduces me as "one of your flatmates, if you move in here". Miss takes one look at me, says hello, and goes, "So, are you the Indian or the Nigerian?"

Clearly, I need to get a new mirror. Or a new pair of eyes, maybe.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


"Only an animal does useful things," he said at last, after a long silence. "An animal gets food, finds a place to sleep, tries to keep comfortable. But I wanted to do something that was not useful - not like an animal at all, Something only a human being would do."

Gerard d'Aboville, Adventurer, author of Alone.

Go ahead, read the introduction by Paul Theroux. It's on the same website. I'm in the process of reading Fresh Air Fiend, and that's where I first read this narrative.