The "Hah-vahd" Effect
Fi and I were at a club Saturday night, with a bunch of friends. In the midst of all the "nerdy physicist" comments I frequently endure (and secretly enjoy very much), our roommate Y started selling The Big Bang Theory to me. (I've never watched it.)
Around the same time, we were joined by some friends of a friend in the group. Introductions performed, Y mentioned that she was trying to get me to follow the show. One of the guys in the other group said that he liked the show a lot, which prompted Y to mention that I was a physicist.
Guy: "Oh yeah, and you work at Harvard, right? Ha ha ha!"
Me: (with a bright smile) "Um, yes, I do."
Guy: "... Ohhh... ." (Jaw drops).
Me: (in my head) "Ha ha ha, to you too."
It's fun to be on the non-underdog side for a change!