Summer Showers or November Rain?
Yepp, there it is. The question and the observation. (Q) Why Summer Showers? (O) Ah, GnR fan, I see. Yepp, you're right about the second, and as to the first... here goes.
I originally come from warm and sunny (and muggy in summer) India - Bombay, to be exact. For as far as I remember, I've loved the rains. And I'm talking of "rains", not cold, windy, wet nights I've experienced here in the US every year at the end of Fall, nor the meter of water my city was unnecessarily blessed with four days ago; but 'sensible' showers from June to September (it's textbook!) every year, wet and warm and off-'n'-on. The rains are preceded by sultry summers. As time plods from March to June, the rain anticipation index rises as high as the heat index, which also slowly influences the cumulonimbus index, which at some point right in the middle of summer cannot take the weight anymore, and gives way down onto a parched city.
Ah, that one summer shower a year!
That one evening, when you can see the slow progress... the skies turning grey-yellow in the evening, the environs bathed in orange light, the cool swift, almost furtive, occasional breezes, the lightning followed by the growl of thunder, the sudden squall, the one drop, the second, the third, the floor of the heavens creaking, giving way, and then the soothing touch of cool cool water, the smell of fresh wet earth, the leaves losing brown and gaining green, the hitherto unnoticed change of the sky from yellow to pink-purple, everything that can move dancing to the breeze, and the smiles, the smiles on faces, a respite from the heat.
Tomorrow will be another hot muggy day, muggier because of this evening's rains, but let's tackle tomorrow, tomorrow. It has rained today, and it is beautiful.
That's from where I picked my name then.
Ah... I'm so glad I finally have a place to ramble! I'm unstoppable now! Yepp! :)
Poor you!
I originally come from warm and sunny (and muggy in summer) India - Bombay, to be exact. For as far as I remember, I've loved the rains. And I'm talking of "rains", not cold, windy, wet nights I've experienced here in the US every year at the end of Fall, nor the meter of water my city was unnecessarily blessed with four days ago; but 'sensible' showers from June to September (it's textbook!) every year, wet and warm and off-'n'-on. The rains are preceded by sultry summers. As time plods from March to June, the rain anticipation index rises as high as the heat index, which also slowly influences the cumulonimbus index, which at some point right in the middle of summer cannot take the weight anymore, and gives way down onto a parched city.
Ah, that one summer shower a year!
That one evening, when you can see the slow progress... the skies turning grey-yellow in the evening, the environs bathed in orange light, the cool swift, almost furtive, occasional breezes, the lightning followed by the growl of thunder, the sudden squall, the one drop, the second, the third, the floor of the heavens creaking, giving way, and then the soothing touch of cool cool water, the smell of fresh wet earth, the leaves losing brown and gaining green, the hitherto unnoticed change of the sky from yellow to pink-purple, everything that can move dancing to the breeze, and the smiles, the smiles on faces, a respite from the heat.
Tomorrow will be another hot muggy day, muggier because of this evening's rains, but let's tackle tomorrow, tomorrow. It has rained today, and it is beautiful.
That's from where I picked my name then.
Ah... I'm so glad I finally have a place to ramble! I'm unstoppable now! Yepp! :)
Poor you!
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