The Countdown Begins...
I don't know why it began today... it's not like a 'landmark' day ("Oh, only a month more!"). Nope. But, 39 days from today I'll be home, I'll be with family... most of them. I'll be on vacation!!!! I honestly cannot remember the last time I was on vacation with nothing at all to worry me, and I desperately hope (well, my family desperately hopes more than I do) that this time is different.
All of a sudden these lines come to mind:
Springtime is rollin' around slowly
Grey skies are bringin' me down
I can't remember when I've ever been so lonely
I forgot what it's like to be home
Can't remember what it's like to be home
It's from John Denver's Starwood in Aspen. While we're on the song, here's my adaptation of the chorus:
It's a long way from IL to India
It's a long time to hang in the sky
It's a long way home to blissful Mumbai
My sweet coastal paradise
With the warm sun shining in my eyes.
So here's to today's number: 39!
(P.S. While we're on this post, in case Mom, Dad, Pig, any of you read this blog, don't let Denver's lines panic you... it's not like I'm "really lonely" and "can't remember what it's like to be home" or anything, I remembered the song because it's about going home after a long time.)
All of a sudden these lines come to mind:
Springtime is rollin' around slowly
Grey skies are bringin' me down
I can't remember when I've ever been so lonely
I forgot what it's like to be home
Can't remember what it's like to be home
It's from John Denver's Starwood in Aspen. While we're on the song, here's my adaptation of the chorus:
It's a long way from IL to India
It's a long time to hang in the sky
It's a long way home to blissful Mumbai
My sweet coastal paradise
With the warm sun shining in my eyes.
So here's to today's number: 39!
(P.S. While we're on this post, in case Mom, Dad, Pig, any of you read this blog, don't let Denver's lines panic you... it's not like I'm "really lonely" and "can't remember what it's like to be home" or anything, I remembered the song because it's about going home after a long time.)
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