I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The "Little One"

By the bye, just thought I'll mention that the previous post ("Donkies!" for The Piglett) was my first post composed on my new laptop, an urgent and necessary purchase made last week because the old one suddenly gave up the ghost, leaving me friendless and alone and unconnected of an evening, in my little room. I was thinking of it come Thanksgiving anyway, but it had to be now.

Nothing too special or too powerful about the new baby, pretty much it's biggest advantage being it's affordability... but, hopefully, in time, I should be able to accessorise and enhance it's functionality. For now, I'm content with a stronger battery, a wider screen, inbuilt wireless connectivity and CD-DVD R/W/RW, over the older system - the higher RAM and memory being a given, of course.

I did grieve over my old laptop for a while - there's not too much data in it luckily, but a lot of pictures, music, etc., and more than anything else, having worked it really hard for the research and writing of my Master's thesis and subsequent attainment of the degree gives it a claim on my affections that the new Baby still has to strive for.

I am still hoping that I'll be able to get out the data I seem to have lost on the old system, I'll have to figure out how. Hopefully that will happen soon, too.


  • :(
    does that mean you have lost even the pics of innocent piglets and naughty donklets ( i couldnt figure out a better word .. hee hee hee!!! )

    Happy New Baby!!! and u better take care of this one too..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, September 28, 2006 1:39:00 PM  

  • Well, I did back up most of my pics and music a long while ago... so I've lost stuff since, maybe, Nov '05. I've lost all of the India trip pics, which is sad. Luckily you have a copy. I also lost all the FL pics, but Fi has copies of those. And sundry other things... I hope to recover them somehow, if I can.

    Luckily, work stuff is always on my PC in the lab, so haven't lost my head completely over my laptop's demise.

    By Blogger Summer Showers, at Thursday, September 28, 2006 9:48:00 PM  

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