I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Too many Questions...

Regarding my post of a few days ago, today things reached a new low. I actually started hearing GnR and Metallica in my head again, and, if you know me, you know when that happens. Luckily, my roommates' voices of anger and indignation on my behalf somewhat drowned the strains of Civil War playing in my head, literally and metaphorically.

(In a bit of a funny twist, I actually also heard the Phantom sing "...and now, how you've repaid me, denied me and betrayed me..." which actually made me smile when I realized what was playing in my head, so it's not all bad... :) Melodrama is an effective relaxing agent sometimes.)

However, the fact does remain... if I now want anything to happen, I will need to be more aggressive. Being essentially non-confrontational, this situation somewhat scares me. Also, confrontation may lead to a very wildly negative outcome, and that is even more unnerving. I don't know. We'll see next week. I still have work to do, and maybe that will help matters.

The weather tomorrow looks promising, I might go biking and/or swimming. (Yes, I can still look forward to those activities. So I'm good.) Wish you a good weekend, and wish me luck.


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