I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I saw a rainbow for the first time in Chicago! Arched right across the Sears Tower, this evening. Anyone who knows me and my fixation with rainbows knows that I'll most likely live off this moment for the rest of the year, and pretty much until the end of my PhD.

It was rather fortuitous, really. It had been raining all evening, and I couldn't go out for my usual walk. I decided to stay home and cook for the week. (More on that in the next post, by the way.) I was quite busy for about an hour, and then walked over to the window at around 8:30 pm to take a little break. The weak evening sunlight was just breaking through the clouds, the light was mild yellow, the air was damp and the ground was fragrant. For a seasoned rainbow-hunter like me, I knew I only had to look around to the east. And there it was! Here's an "East and West" photograph. (Actually, reading L to R, that's west and east, respectively.)

I haven't touched up or anything, so it is very faint (I was surprised that I was able to capture it in the first place) but I hope it is at least as visible to you as it is to me!


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