I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The New Cool Prefix

DOGGONE! For the N'th time, where N is pretty large as compared to the number of days since I've started my blog, I did something stupid which caused me to lose my post. Luckily this time I had actually saved the first part on my hard drive. But excuse me while I go retrieve some part of this post from my rather faulty memory...


Remember the time when almost all the words you heard were prefixed with "cyber-"???

Welcome to the New Cool Prefix. Or maybe it was the N.C.P. like a trillion years ago, and of course I didn't know it then cuz I usually get to know stuff, like, a trillion years after they actually take place. But let's get back. I've been doing the rounds and here's the N.C.P.: "Blogg-". I found a few, and I've made up a few, so here goes...

The "I found"...
(a) Bloggiverse/Bloggosphere: Akin to 'universe' in blog-land.
(b) Bloggiversary: The anniversary of the day you started your blog.
(c) Bloggasurf: Need I say more?

The "I made up"...
(a) Bloggalight: This is what I do if I come across an interesting writer when I'm bloggasurfing, i.e. alight and raid his/her archives.
(b) Bloggiblooper: The stupid thing you do that causes the post you're currently working on to disappear.
(c) Bloggone: How you (read: I) react when the post you're (read: I'm) currently working on disappears.

So, here's my collection... and I'm going to give this a good long hard thought too, but if you're passing by and can think up something more, please leave me a comment!


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