I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Rowling Wins Again

I, like hundreds of others, have pre-ordered my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, from the Borders store in downtown Chicago. Then, a few weeks ago, plans changed, and I realized I'd be out of town that weekend. So, yesterday I pre-ordered another copy of Deathly Hallows at one of the Borders stores in NYC.

And then, I spent last night tossing and turning and having restless dreams about running from store to store looking for Deathly Hallows, and consistently being given one of the following reasons why I couldn't get my book:
(1) I hadn't pre-ordered my copy at the store I was at,
(2) I was at a Borders Express/Waldenbooks store, which doesn't pre-order books, and
(3) I was at Starbucks, not Borders.

I'm really beginning to miss those dreams where I'm cowering somewhere in the nude, with people staring at me. That was a simpler world - at least I knew what that meant. And, it doesn't help that I'm nearly 27 and still Actively Worrying about Harry Potter??!!


  • This, I must say, is by far your funniest post to date.
    Can't stop laughing. :D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, July 09, 2007 7:45:00 AM  

  • well.. all u have to do is announce ur birthdate....
    and also announce the gift u want..
    and im sure it would be with you...
    no tossing and turning.. and no nightmares.... simple.. isnt it!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:51:00 AM  

  • Ananymous: I know... I can't stop smiling at it too... but I remember waking up that morning feeling thoroughly confused about it all.

    Piglet: Reminder not to give my birth date away by mistake on this forum!

    By Blogger Summer Showers, at Sunday, July 15, 2007 10:43:00 AM  

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