I wouldn't be me if I didn't live this...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Monkeying Around

My L-I-T-T-L-E nephew, seven-year old Z, is playing a monkey in his annual school play. Apparently, at a recent rehearsal, he fell and broke his arm. They called his family and rushed him to the hospital, where his bone was reset. The doctor checked him up, put his arm in a splint so he didn't move or bend it, and gave the family further instructions. The fracture was slight and he told my little Z that it wouldn't be long before he'd be perfectly fine. My nephew had bigger things on his mind, though.

"Doctor, I have a question."


"When can I meet my family?"

"Your family is all here", replied the poor bewildered doctor.

"No, I meant my monkey family!"

It's good to know some things never change!


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